Rather than include long appendices in the back of Muller's MMC (The Messenger, the Message and the Community) the resources are located here on the Internet. Explanations for how to use Abdallah's Discovery Lessons are found in the book. The resources are as follows:

 The Discovery Lessons

Arabic Discover Lessons for Mobile Phones (in 3PG format)

 Growth Group Lessons
 Sample Parables and Proverbs
(in a PDF file)

 Ten Lessons about Jesus from the Old Testament

 Bibliography and Suggested Reading

 Muslim Objections and some Responses

 Literary and Audio-Visual Resources for Christians sharing with Muslims
Assessing your Tentmaker Potential 
 Reflections on Disciple-Making
by Colin Bearup in a PDF file
 Missionary Debrief Questions
(For Church Mission Committee or Agency)
 Indonesian MMC Translation
Three chapters in PDF format
MMC Chapter Three
MMC Chapter Four
MMC Chapter Five
 Bridge Stories
Try responding to an issue using a story rather than an argument. Here are 35 bridge stories that will help you in witnessing to Muslims. In a PDF file.
The Shame Tract
in a PDF file

Article by Luke Plant

 External link to an article: Forgiveness and honour in the Bible and the Qur'an, 2010

 Shame Across Cultures

An experience of Malcolm Hunter in Ethiopia (1977)
 Six Gospel Lessons
For study with your Muslim friend
(Download the pdf file)
 Six Gospel Lessons
For study with your Muslim friend
Download the pdf file

Roland Muller Home Page

to organizations using Muller Resources